© ShambhalaVillage.com  2014



Advanced Technology for everyday people and professionals.  Many technologies are offered here that are centered around two core purposes:.
The Bell Column Dome Process - Cutting-edge Innovation in Ferrocement Thinshell Methods for Ultra-Durable and highly insulated Ecological Homes and Gardens.
Shambhala Village

The Bell Column Dome Process

The Bell Column Dome Process is the core technology offered here.  It is for a unique thinshell ferrocement structural sandwich or stress-skin construction process.  (There is a longer description below and more links and info coming)  Training material and workshops are offered as well as.   Visual Procedure Cards are available now that are large laminated foam board cards that illustrate in simple and clear ways, the Bell Dome Process.  These cards can be posted at the job site to ensure the processes are followed properly.  The cards are Processing of Steel, Foundation Designs, Truss & Armature Construction, Applying Lath, Making the Composite Mix, Applying the Composite (Plaster Sequence), Cellular Concrete  and other Fill Options,